Scottish Country Dancing

Scottish dancing - more difficult to describe than to dance!

Historical Dancers

The special feature of Scottish country dancing, which is usually danced in sets of four couples, is not only the step technique and the characteristic music, but also the interaction between the individual dancers during the dance and the so-called progression. This refers to each couple moving “up and down” the set in the course of a dance until they return to the starting position.

Each dance is comprised of individual figures that are danced by the first couple as the “leading” couple, either alone or together with the other dancers. As each of the four couples usually dances twice as the first couple, the sequence of figures, which usually amounts to 32 bars of music, is danced a total of eight times. One of the special charms of Scottish dancing is that the dancers must orientate themselves from different positions during the progression of a dance because this changes their dance path and their entries.

Scottish dancing is "teamwork"


This is underlined by the frequent use of the hands during the dance figures. However, the dancers also maintain constant eye contact with each other, firstly to emphasise that they are dancing together, and secondly to be able to give or receive help quickly if the thread is lost. Furthermore, covering - a form of synchronicity while dancing requires this constant awareness towards fellow dancers.

There are now many Scottish dance groups in Germany, whose members meet at a number of courses and balls throughout the year and cultivate their "dancing bug".

The lessons include a warm-up phase, exercises on step technique and individual dance figures and, of course, the dances themselves.

In the group, the step technique and dance figures are developed and practiced slowly but steadily in order to provide a solid foundation for those who want to go to practice classes and balls. Yet even those who don't want to be so ambitious will have enough time and fun dancing - an advantage of this hobby.

Scottish country dancing is also particularly suitable for those without a dance partner, as although you have a partner when dancing, this partner is changed after each dance. It is not unusual for women to dance on the men's side.

Want a few examples?

"The music will tell you" ... a common saying among Scottish dancers. It means - often a little ironically - that once the music is on, the body already knows where to move. This may not be the case, but one thing is certainly true: when the first notes are played, there's almost nothing that will keep us Scottish dancers from moving!

VideoEaster Course 2017, Kuckucksnest (Germany)
Dance: Chasing the Eclipse - S32

VideoBall Night, Spring Fling 2017, Bonn (Germany)
Dance: Les Remparts de Séville - J32
With live music, typical band setup

VideoSummer School St. Andrews 2016, Demonstration Team Week 3
Dance: Trip to Applecross - R32

Video"Displays" are showdances for competitions mostly...
...sometimes uncommon in setup and choice of music
Newcastle Festival 2017 - International Team Display

VideoAnd sometimes...
...we even make it to (German) TV!

VideoPlus something sweet to finish.